From research to practice.
Technologies for poultry breeding and husbandry
Agri Advanced Technologies GmbH (AAT) founded in 2015 is a subsidiary of the family holding EW GROUP, headquartered in Visbek, Lower Saxony, Germany. Our main field of activity is the development of specialized application technologies for poultry breeding and husbandry, for example machines for in ovo sex determination of layers, grading and vaccination devices for broiler breeders or technical solutions for feed and egg disinfection.
Our aim
Our specialized application technologies help customers to further improve animal welfare and health through automated solutions, while also performing efficient production processes.
Our global network
As part of a global network, we work closely with all stakeholders in the value chain, as well as in research. We regularly cooperate with external institutions such as universities, research service providers, but also agricultural organizations, producers, and commercial enterprises.
Solutions from one hand
Our solutions encompass the entire process of development, from the idea to the market-ready product. We implement theoretical knowledge gained through research into practical applications and provide a range of solutions for customers all over the world.