Revolutionary, Non-Invasive In-Ovo Sexing Technology Makes History as First in United States
Technology introduced to determine the sex of a chick in brown layer hatching eggs before hatching, a significant technological development for the U.S. egg industry
WILTON, IA, December 10, 2024 – In a groundbreaking development for the United States egg industry, an Iowa hatchery has become the first site to offer an automated in-ovo sex determining solution in the nation. An identical machine is also operational at a hatchery in Texas. Chicks from the hatchery are expected to go to their first customer – NestFresh Eggs – by December 13, 2024, putting eggs sourced from in-ovo sexed hens into the marketplace by June 2, 2025.
Highest DLG awards for AAT
"Vaccybot" vaccination robot and "eggytizer" disinfection technology win gold and silver awards
Visbek, September 24, 2024. The technology company Agri Advanced Technologies (AAT) was honoured by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) with two awards for its innovations. Both technological innovations are a milestone for better animal health in poultry production.
Cheggy’s U.S. launch marks a new era in hatchery innovation
Visbek (Germany), August 22nd, 2024. Agri Advanced Technologies (AAT), a leader in poultry breeding technologies, and part of the EW Group, is excited to introduce its Cheggy technology to the U.S. market. As the first advanced non-invasive in-ovo sex determination system available at the end of this year in America, Cheggy sets a new benchmark for speed, efficiency, and sustainability in animal welfare, providing a transformative solution for the poultry industry
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In ovo sex determination - chances and challenges
Visbek, February 10, 2023. You are interested in sex determination in the egg and want to know more about its chances and challenges?
Starting signal for CHEGGY at Verbeek
In ovo sexing process to be used for the first time in Holland
Zeewolde, December 16, 2022. Dutch hatchery Verbeek is intensifying its in ovo sexing activities.
France passes decree banning the killing of chicks from 2023 onwards
Expansion of Cheggy capacities enables necessary production volume by the end of the year
Paris, 05.02.2022. After France's phase-out of chick-killing was announced in July 2021, the official decree has now been passed after several months of preparation.