Schaffelaarbos Pressebericht in englischer Sprache: The German company AAT offers a non-invasive in ovo sexing method with respectful treatment of sorted out male embryos. Schaffelaarbos will further process these male embryos into Dried Egg Proteins for the Animal Feed Market.
The male embryos are transferred from the CHEGGY directly to the so-called STUNNY unit, where they are stunned with an electrical impulse before embryonic development is terminated. The male embryos become then Category-3 Egg by-product for further use in accordance with EC Regulation 1069/2009. At this point Schaffelaarbos takes its role in the supply chain, by further processing these eggs into high-quality Dried Egg Proteins for Petfood, (Young-) Animal Feed and Aquaculture.
To see the complete press release, please follow this link.